
Nattela Ovsienko

Ukrainian artist whose paintings are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Malta, India, Lithuania and Sweden.
Looking for creative solutions, experiments with new tools (working with palette knives, fan brush, different forms of brushes), materials and techniques, they’re all new and unique results. New experiences and works are my calling as an artist.

Exhibitions and workshops


17th International Plein Air



Art plein air in Transcarpathia

2021Lavandova Gora, Perechyn


Master class at Main Point

Uzhhorod city


Master class for IDP women

Uzhhorod city


Master class for IDP children

Uzhhorod city


Master class for schoolchildren

Uzhhorod city


Master class for elderly women

Uzhhorod city


R&D Leader in Tech photo

Depth of Venice

Nattela Ovsienko, 2011

R&D Leader in Tech photo

The dunes of Namibia in my eyes

Nattela Ovsienko, 2010

R&D Leader in Tech photo

Summer in Ukraine

Nattela Ovsienko, 2012

R&D Leader in Tech photo

Sunrise in the Carpathians

Nattela Ovsienko, 2011

Ordering paintings


Original paintings are an integral part of modern interior decoration. Classical, minimalistic, high-tech, and modern art that can transform a space all on its own.

Benefits of buying from an artist


Original paintings

A 100% guarantee of a handmade original artwork


Optimal price

Direct contact with the artist can help negotiate an optimal price for both customer and artist


Quick delivery

You will receive the painting in an agreed upon time that is suitable for you. Well packaged and will all the required documents


Documents for export

If you need to transport the painting abroad, I will personally assist in issues all the required documents for export


Framing paintings

If you are unsure of the framing of your order, I will happily provide you with relevant suggestions


Additional discounts

If you are a regular customer, you will be provided with an additional discount

You can choose and buy a picture in the gallery


Promotional offer on paintings this month



Nattela Ovsienko was born on June 18, 1961, in distant Siberia, in the city of Omsk. The father was a soldier, and therefore the whole family (and it is quite small – four children) often moved. Her childhood was difficult, she lost her father early, her mother died when Nattela was 28 years old.
Nattela is a graduate of the National Academy of Arts and Architecture.
Since 2019 – Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.
During her creative career, the artist organized 21 exhibitions in Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania and Sweden and 6 open-air exhibitions, took part in numerous joint exhibitions.
Nattela Ovsienko's paintings are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Malta, India, Lithuania and Sweden.
The purpose of this site is to popularize the work of the artist Nattela Ovsienko. Everyone who cares about the world of art has the opportunity to get acquainted with her work, follow the appearance of new works and the schedule of exhibitions. “Our mother was a very bright, cheerful and purposeful person, and she instilled these qualities in us from childhood. She taught us to love and enjoy life, to dream and follow our dreams. Today, I can confidently say that my dream is coming true – I paint pictures and am happy. There were difficult periods of life, but if I could start all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. “He who has not known thirst drinks bitterly…”. If I had not experienced grief, I would not have known and appreciated my current happiness so much.” 
Nattela Ovsienko

I am extremely grateful for your kind words and high rating of my work. Your support is a never ending motivation for me to keep painting and exploring my interests